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  9. Escaldes-Engordany


Lokalizacija Escaldes-Engordany : Država Andora, Župa Escaldes-Engordany.
raspoloživih informacija : Poštanska adresa, Telefonski, Fax, Website, e-pošta, Gradonačelnik, Geografske koordinate, Broj stanovnika, Površina, visina, Vrijeme i Hotel.
okolnih gradova i sela : Andorre-la-Vieille, Encamp i La Massana.


Ažurirajte podatke


uprava Escaldes-Engordany

Poštanski broj Escaldes-EngordanyAD700
Gradonačelnik Escaldes-EngordanyAntoni Martí Petit

Kontakt informacije Escaldes-Engordany

Poštanska adresa Escaldes-EngordanyParc de la Mola 9
AD700 Escaldes-Engordany
Telefonski Escaldes-Engordany890 890
Međunarodni: +376 890 890
Fax Escaldes-Engordany890 886
Međunarodni: +376 890 886
e-pošta Escaldes-Engordany[email protected]
Website Escaldes-Engordanywww.escaldes-engordany.ad

Demografija Escaldes-Engordany

Broj stanovnika Escaldes-Engordany16.714 Stanovnici
Gustoća stanovništva Escaldes-Engordany557,1 /km²

Zemljopis Escaldes-Engordany

Geografske koordinate Escaldes-Engordanyširina: 42.5089, dužina: 1.54214
42° 30′ 32″ Sjever, 1° 32′ 32″ Istok
Površina Escaldes-Engordany3.000 Hektar
30,00 km²
visina Escaldes-Engordany1.050 m
Klima Escaldes-EngordanyOceanska klima (Köppenova klasifikacija klime: Cfb)

Udaljenost Escaldes-Engordany

karta i plana Escaldes-Engordany

okolnih gradova i sela Escaldes-Engordany

Zona Escaldes-Engordany

Mjesno vrijeme Escaldes-Engordany
Vremenska zona Escaldes-EngordanyUTC +1:00 (Europe/Andorra)
Ljetno vrijeme UTC +2:00
Zimsko vrijeme UTC +1:00

Vrijeme Escaldes-Engordany

Izlazak i zalazak sunca Escaldes-Engordany

DanIzlazak i zalazak suncaSumrakAstronomski sutonNavigacioni suton
14 Siječanj08:20 - 13:02 - 17:4407:49 - 18:1507:15 - 18:50 06:41 - 19:24
15 Siječanj08:20 - 13:03 - 17:4607:49 - 18:1707:14 - 18:51 06:41 - 19:25
16 Siječanj08:20 - 13:03 - 17:4707:49 - 18:1807:14 - 18:52 06:40 - 19:26
17 Siječanj08:19 - 13:03 - 17:4807:48 - 18:1907:14 - 18:53 06:40 - 19:27
18 Siječanj08:18 - 13:04 - 17:4907:48 - 18:2007:13 - 18:55 06:39 - 19:28
19 Siječanj08:18 - 13:04 - 17:5007:47 - 18:2107:13 - 18:56 06:39 - 19:29
20 Siječanj08:17 - 13:04 - 17:5207:47 - 18:2207:12 - 18:57 06:39 - 19:30

Hotel Escaldes-Engordany

Hotel Residencia NuriaResidencia Nuria

Residencia Nuria is set in the centre of Escaldes-Engordany, 500 metres from Caldea Thermal Resort. It is 100 metres from the main Carlemany Avenue, where buses to nearby ski resorts stop. All rooms are heated and have a TV and wardrobe... vidite više
€ 28
Hotel SiracusaSiracusa

This functional hotel is located in Escaldes, in the heart of Andorra. It offers good-value accommodation in a beautiful mountain setting and has free Wi-Fi access. Bedrooms in Hotel Siracusa are simple and comfortable... vidite više
€ 23
Hotel Hotel i Apartaments CosmosHotel i Apartaments Cosmos

Set in stunning Andorra scenery, this hotel and apartments are located in the centre of Escaldes beside the river. All rooms have a complete bathroom with bathtub and shower... vidite više
€ 42
Hotel PanoramaPanorama

Set in the shopping area of Andorra, just 200m from Caldea, the Panorama boasts exceptional views over Principat, and a fantastic fitness club and swimming pool... vidite više
€ 62
Hotel Hotel EurekaHotel Eureka

Set in Escaldes-Engordany Center, Eureka is set at the heart of Escaldes and 200 meters from Caldea Thermal Resort. It has free Wi-Fi in public areas and satellite TV... vidite više
€ 33
Više Hoteli »

U okolici Escaldes-Engordany

Partida d’Ensucaranes 1.1 kmCarena del Solà d’Engordany 1.1 kmLes Aubes 1.1 km
Carretera de la Comella 1.1 kmColl de Jou 1.1 kmPic de Padern 1.1 km
Planell d’ Antònia 1.1 kmRoc dels Castells 1.1 kmRoc de la Coma 1.1 km
Pirineu 1.1 kmBorda del Mandicó 1.1 kmRoc de Boïga Curta 1.1 km
La Bartra 1.1 kmRoc de les Aubes 1.1 kmRoca Corba 1.1 km
Mas del Diumenge 1.1 kmBosc del Picó 1.2 kmSolà d’ Entremesaiqües 1.2 km
Bony de Comascura 1.2 kmPont Sassanat 1.2 kmCanals de Comascura 1.2 km
Bosc de la Devesa 1.2 kmSolà del Riguer 1.2 kmRoc d’ Esquers 1.2 km
La Plana 1.2 kmBosc del Camp de la Finestra 1.2 kmColl de la Finestra 1.2 km
Bosquet de la Plana 1.2 kmCarretera General Número Un 1.2 kmCortal de Estevet 1.2 km

Stranica Escaldes-Engordany

Izravna veza
DB-City.comEscaldes-Engordany 4.7/5 (2009-08-11 01:00:00)